One of the many perks of living in Souther California? Field trips to awesome places. Last week Lily's class took a field trip to Legoland!! Can you believe that? How lucky is she? Anyways, I was fortunate enough to go as a chaperone and we had such a great time. They started things off with a group educational presentation where they talked about different kinds of structures and what makes structures strong. It was super cool. They they divided into their groups and the kids built their own structures (no adult help allowed). When they were done, they attached the structrues to this little platform that vibrated and created a 5.5 earthquake to see if their structure would stay intact. So fun!! Then we had a few hours to explore the park and ride rides and have fun. What a great day. Here are some highlights:
20 Questions: Collin 10/08/13
11 years ago