My kids are funny and quirky, to the extreme sometimes. I wouldn't have it any other way. Examples:
While we were all in the car running errands the other day, Darrin and I were discussing the BBC show "Dr. Who". The kids, having never heard of or watched the show, were asking who Dr. Who was. We briefly explained. Then Connor says in a mock English accent "Ah yes, Dr. Who and his associate Professor Someone. I know them well." So stinking funny and clever. We just laughed and laughed.
We all know her quirkiness knows no bounds. Lately she's taken to reading in bed every night before she goes to sleep (I have NO IDEA where she picked up such a notion :-)) That's not the quirky part. Here it is. Her choice of reading material? Of course, "The Boy Scout Handbook". I kid you not. Every night. She loves it. ????
20 Questions: Collin 10/08/13
11 years ago